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What You Should Be Doing To Get Clear Skin
Having clear and radiant skin is essential for putting your best face forward. But how do you kick your skin routine into high gear to rid your face of acne and annoying blemishes? Here are some tips and tricks on getting the kissable, clear skin you deserve:

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How To Tell If Your Skincare Is Working
When it comes to your skincare routine, do you know if the products you are using are actually working? Even more frustrating is the fear that your skincare routine is making things worse.

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Why You Shouldn't Use Homemade Beauty Products
Believe it or not, homemade isn’t always healthier than products you buy in a store. Some skincare DIY treatments can actually be bad for your skin, and lead to blemishes, acne, fine lines, and wrinkles.

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How To Prep Your Skin For Sleep
Between your career and social life, you probably don’t have time for a nap. But sleep isn’t negotiable – especially when it comes to your skin. As you sleep, your body repairs and replenishes itself. But there’s more to an effective beauty sleep than simply laying down on your bed.

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5 Aging Habits You Need To Stop Worrying About
Soaking up the sun at the beach, drinking martinis with your gal pals, eating an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting. It seems like every little indulgence we end up loving can cause premature aging and is bad for our health.

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What You Should Be Using To Maintain Your Sensitive Skin
Does your skin seem to rebel every time you exfoliate or try a new beauty product? For those of us with sensitive skin, it can always seem like an uphill battle.

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Food That Might Actually Be Making You Look Older
There is a legitimate reason why your skin may feel a little off after an all-night bender or a greasy backyard BBQ party. You are, in fact, what you eat. While a couple of delicious indulgences

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Adjusting Your Skin Care For Spring
Now that the cold winds of winter have subsided and spring is in full bloom, it’s time to adjust your skin care routine accordingly. Here are some tips on how to spring up your beauty regimen just in time

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