When it comes to your skincare routine, do you know if the products you are using are actually working? Even more frustrating is the fear that your skincare routine is making things worse. Here are some signs to tell you if your skincare regimen is working or not:
Get Rid of the Bad Options Right off the Bat
If you use a skincare product and experience a painful, tingling sensation, that might not be a sign that it’s working its magic, especially if the tingle leads to burning, inflammation, stinging and redness. If you experience any negative effects, immediately opt out. Try swapping out your harsh products for all natural skin care.
Is It Right for Your Skin Type?
One of the most essential and confusing elements of skincare is figuring out your skin type. If you’re using products geared toward a skin type that is not yours, you will not be seeing the results you crave.
Be Patient
If it takes a week for a spot treatment to zap away a monster pimple, chances are it didn’t work. Anti-acne products are engineered to work quickly. However, for those wrinkles or dark spots, you need at least two weeks or a month to see results, even if you are using all natural anti-wrinkle serums. Be patient with the process.
Your Skin Is Backsliding
Pay attention to the state of your skin. If the products you are currently using seem to be doing more harm than good, quickly stop using them. For example, if you are using a moisturizer but experiencing dull and flaky skin, the product is obviously not doing its job.
Finding out if your skincare routine is really working for you requires patience and experience.