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You may have heard about parabens and the potential damage they can cause. Do you know exactly what parabens are, though? Do you have a clear understanding of why they’re dangerous and why you should avoid them in skincare and beauty products?

What Are Parabens?

Parabens are preservatives that are in many skincare serums and cosmetics. They’re common ingredients that are recently coming into the attention of the medical community, and the skincare-buying public, due to studies that report they might be estrogen disruptors.

Parabens have been used in skin care and beauty products since the 1950s. Arthur Rich, Ph.D., a cosmetic chemist in Chestnut Ridge, New York, says that parabens have a long history of safe use, and that they come with a proven track record, but arguments to the contrary have caused many skincare manufactures to avoid using them in their formulations. The most common parabens include butylparaben, methylparaben, and propylparaben. These parabens are often found in lotions, skin serums, creams, and scrubs, and they’re potentially dangerous substances that you won’t find in any of Timeless Skin Care’s products.

What’s Wrong With Parabens?

Studies held in the 1990s deemed parabens were xenoestrogens, which means they act as estrogen in the body and disrupt the body’s own estrogen balance. Estrogen disruptors, like parabens, have been linked to breast cancer and reproductive heath problems.

In 2004, British cancer researcher Phillippa Darbe, Ph.D., noticed that parabens were present in malignant breast tumors. This finding led many countries to limit paraben levels in cosmetic products.

Timeless Skin Care Is Paraben Free

All of Timeless Skin Care’s products are paraben free products, including our popular Hyaluronic Acid Serum and our Matrixyl 3000 Serum. Our entire natural skincare line is, and will always be, free of parabens so that you can have effective skincare that keeps you safe. Timeless Skin Care wants to be your partner in timeless beauty that focuses on wellbeing. You can feel good about turning to any of our paraben-free products, from our Pure Line to our special line of hydrating anti-aging Creams