If you’ve noticed your face breaking out lately, it could be giving you signs about what’s going on inside your body. Our skin is like a billboard advertising the state of health and balance throughout our systems. Breakouts can indicate normal chemical and hormonal fluctuations that, while irritating, aren’t serious. But, they can also send a clear message about problems you need to address.
Pimples on Your Jawline, Chin or Neck
If you get pimples on your jawline, chin or neck, it could be due to hormones like testosterone being released during your cycle. This makes glands produce more oil, which clogs pores and results in breakouts.
You can help reduce or even prevent acne associated with your period if you use all natural skin care products that help keep oil in check. Harsh cleansers and products dry out skin and cause it to produce excess oil to overcompensate and stay hydrated. Choose gentle soaps and creams with water as a main ingredient.
Pimples on your Forehead and Nose
Breakouts on your forehead and nose are often associated with stress. The fight or flight response triggers T-zone pimples as increased adrenaline bumps up oil production.
To lessen the likelihood of this kind of acne, keep your mental and physical self as stress-free as possible. Turn to meditation, yoga, nature, music or whatever it is that offers calm within a storm for you.
Pimples at the Hairline
If you have pimples along your hairline, you might not be unhealthy, but you could be overdoing it with the hair products. Thick gels and pomades, and even hairsprays and deep conditioners, can be okay for hair but too heavy for the skin.
When you apply hair products, take care to not get them on your face. If you do, wipe your skin off with a damp cloth. Your face doesn’t need the extra coating of these products and likely will react negatively to them.
Timeless Skin Care offers some natural skin care products that can help curb oil production and keep the skin balanced, minimizing breakouts. Our Vitamin C Serum is a great addition to a skin care routine for those prone to acne because it offers just the right amount of hydration without clogging pores.