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Top 5 Ingredients to Avoid in Your Skin Care Routine

Your skin is exposed to pollutants and irritants all day long. The last thing you want to do is damage it further by using toxic skin care products. While the list of unsafe ingredients is too long to mention here, you should at least avoid these top five ingredients in your skin care routine.  

  • Phthalates
  • Phthalates are chemicals that can be found in hundreds of personal care products. They have been linked to increased breast cancer risk and are known to be endocrine disruptors.

    Unfortunately, formulators have learned how to hide phthalates on their ingredient labels by including them in proprietary fragrance blends. To ensure you don’t unintentionally purchase a product with phthalates, look for clean skincare products that don’t contain fragrances.

  • Parabens

  • Parabens are commonly-used preservatives that prevent bacteria, yeast and mold growth in cosmetic products. They are also known to mimic estrogen and are associated with an increased breast cancer risk. The best facial regimens should not include this controversial ingredient.

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)/Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES)

  • SLS/SLES is a surfactant found in the majority of skincare products. It is a known skin irritant and can potentially form nitrosamine (a carcinogen) when combined with other chemicals. Look for clean skincare serums that do not contain this potentially dangerous ingredient.

  • Formaldehyde

  • The International Agency for Research on Carcinogens has declared formaldehyde to be a human carcinogen. Unfortunately, it is still found in many cleaners and beauty products because of its ability to prevent bacteria growth.

  • Synthetic Colors

  • That pretty pink cleanser may look attractive, but its beauty comes at a cost. If a product label lists FD&C or D&C in the ingredients, it means synthetic colors have been added to it. These colors come from coal tar or petroleum sources and are suspected carcinogens.

    Purchase Clean Products

    When it comes to the health of your skin, you can never be too careful. Instead of purchasing cheaply-made products full of harmful ingredients, browse through the impressive selection of clean skin care products offered by Timeless Skin Care.