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Is It Time for You to Start an Anti-Aging Regiment?

Whether you’re 20 or 50, chances are you’ve thought about how your skin is aging at least once. Skin care is important at any age, but many people find themselves wondering when to start an anti-aging regiment. The easy answer is it’s never too early.

Two Types of Aging

Your body goes through two types of aging: intrinsic and extrinsic. Everyone experience intrinsic aging and may have dry, thinning skin as they age. Skin may also sag or develop wrinkles and fine lines. Only some people experience extrinsic aging because it's caused by external factors. The most common example is aging due to exposure to UV radiation via the sun or tanning beds.

Skin Care in Your Teens

Fighting aging begins in your teens. The best thing you can do for your skin at this age is to apply sunscreen every day, even when it's cloudy and during the winter months. It is also important to eat healthy meals, get enough sleep and wash your face twice a day to prevent buildup of chemicals, makeup or other dirt. Finally, avoid tanning beds in favor of tanning lotions.

Skin Care in Your Twenties

When you reach your twenties, your skin will begin losing hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for keeping it vibrant and youthful. Fight the problem by using a daily moisturizer that includes the acid as well as other antioxidants. If you notice signs of aging in the eye area, consider using hydrating eye serums. Skin care products with vitamin C or E may reverse any early signs of damage.

Skin Care in Your Thirties and Beyond

In your thirties, skin often becomes more sensitive. Many people develop rosacea due to stress or consuming certain foods or drinks. Switch from your stripping cleansers to ones that boost hydration. Additionally, avoid perfumes or other preservatives in your products once you turn 30. This is also a good time to add collagen-boosting products to your routine. Don't forget to exfoliate regularly and add brighteners for anti-aging prevention.


Are you ready to purchase the products you need to maintain your healthy, vibrant skin? Shop Timeless Skin Care for clean skincare products.