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A common skincare challenge many people are faced with is uneven skin tone. Between aging, acne, and sun damage, the complexion in your face will likely vary over time. If your skin tone is uneven, with a little help from some great products, we can teach you how to even out your skin tone.

Step 1

The first step in evening out your skin tone is to do your research and possibly consult with a dermatologist. Understand what is causing your skin tone to be uneven so you can eliminate or reduce those factors when possible. After you understand the cause, it’s time to start incorporating products that will help reduce the dark spots. Harmful UV rays from the sun can cause serious damage so make sure whatever products you choose, you are also protected with an SPF.

Step 2

While learning how to even out your skin tone, you’ll discover that there are some products thatcan help reduce the appearance of dark spots. Skin lightening cream, like Arbutin MAP Kojic Acid Skin Lightening Cream, can help reduce the dark spots and get to the underlying problem. Matrixyl 3000 serum will help reverse the signs of aging including discoloration, wrinkles and inflammation. Vitamin C serum is another key product to help even out skin tone. Vitamin C will aid in the production of collagen and the evening of skin tone through the use of antioxidants.

Step 3

The final and most important step is to be patient. Once you get a skincare regimen in place with these key products, it will take time for the improvements to appear. Stick to the routine and let the products do the hard work. You will start to see visible changes in your skin tone before long.